We are on a mission to disseminate science to the public!

At the Pint of Science festival in Bergen, visiting researcher Carmen Nicolae shared and disseminated the science and research conducted at both IKO and Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) with the public.

Pint of Science is a global science festival that brings researchers to local pubs, cafes, and other venues to share their scientific discoveries with the public in a relaxed atmosphere—no prior knowledge needed. On 15th of May, during the ‘Tech-me-out’ night, Carmen engaged her audience by demonstrating how to put together a bioink that could be used to regenerate bone defects.

During her PhD at UPB, Carmen has been working on composite inks and bioinks for bone tissue engineering applications, being actively involved in the 3DPRENT project. Outside the lab, she is committed to science communication to the general public.


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