Throughout the years our group has consistently received funding from national and international agencies to partner and coordinate large research projects.
- Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest, 2016–2018): Regenerating bone defects using stem cells: experimental and clinical studies
- Research Council of Norway (NORCEL project, 2013–2018): The NORwegian nanoCELlulose Technology Platform
- International Team for Implantology research grant – in collaboration with the Faculty of Odontology, Malmø University, Sweden (ITI, 2016–2018)
- FP7-HEALTH-2009 REBORNE – Regenerating Bone Defects using New Biomedical Engineering approaches (EU project nr 241879, 2010–2015)
- FP7-HEALTH-2009 VascuBone – A Toolbox for Tailor-made Vascularized Bone Implants (EU project nr 242175, 2010–2015)
- Research Council of Norway, FRIMED (17734/V50, 2007–2010)
- Research Council of Norway, StemCell (180383/V40, 2007–2010)
- Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest, 2011–2012)
- Meltzer foundation (2012–2013)