Participation of NYSCO meeting in Denmark

Masoumeh Jahani Kadousaraei, Ph.D candidate in the tissue engineering group, participated inΒ the 6th meeting of Nordic Young Scientists in Oral Research (NYSCO2022) hosted by the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, Aarhus University in Denmark, 7-9 September 2022.

The aim of NYSCO meeting is to establish network and collaboration and to disseminate research activities by bringing together young scientists.

This year, several keynote lectures regarding publications and communication skills were given by Prof. Vibeke Baelum, prof. Peter Svensson, Prof. Bo Martin Bibby, and PhD, DDS Patricia Jardim. At the end of the seminar, participants were encouraged to give a 3minute pitch about their projects/proposals. The main aim of this short talk was to challenge the presenter to describe their work in simple language so that everyone, especially the audience with different backgrounds, could follow them and understand their project in a sensible way. It is something that researchers quite often find difficult to communicate their research with the public. Masoumeh was one of the volunteers to give this short but to-the-point talk to the audience. She explained how she aims to manipulate biomaterials using 3D bioplotter and bioprint stem cells for bone tissue engineering applications. Following the scientific program, as a networking activity, participants had a walk in the beautiful landscapes of Mols Bjerge.

Here is a comment from Masoumeh regarding to conference:

“Attending this conference was quite exciting and delightful. It was very well-organized, and it gave all the participants the chance to get to know different Oral Health-related groups in Scandinavian countries. To me, the most interesting part of the conference was the 3minute pitch since I like the challenge of explaining tissue engineering to the audience whose fields are different from biomaterials, stem cells, and 3D bioprinting.”

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